Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Being a new blogger and all I wasn't sure whether or not to mention "it". Since "it" has been removed many of you may not have the first clue about what I'm chatting about. But us English are a little reserved you know! However Angelbrat broke the ice ( I haven't seen any other mentions yet) so here goes nuthin. PS Well done Angel!

It's non of my business. I enjoyed it whilst it lasted. I don't think it can ever be the same. If there was a lie about a childs death then that is just plain wrong. I didn't see it so won't judge. What I will say seeing as my blog has a somewhat similar title is that I'm upfront and wont write BS. Thats b*ll sh*t. EH is real! The posts I entitle R/L are real life. The stories are FICTION.

We don't really have therapists in the UK or offers of help from God. So I must admit reading the posts were interesting. That's my thoughts. End of post.

I could make a funny but it would seem in bad taste ( Things could be worse, she could have OCD as well) I hope if it has affected any of you guys and gals that you know I'm here to chat if u wanna.

I just wondered why I'm putting stars in for swear words when I've written much worse in my stories!

Huggggggggggggggggggggggs ya all.


SmartNnaughty said...


I love coming here. Your blog is just so---you! And I like who you are. Keep on blogging.


SpankedMinx said...

And me to you & your blog SNN! Luv N Huggggggggggs

x x x x

C's Correction said...

I love who you are - my fellow UK spanko! Keep up your blogging - as they say in the UK 'bottoms-up!!'

C x

SpankedMinx said...

Ditto C!

Way to go for "Keepin it REAL" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



SM x x x x

CeeCi said...

Like you I wondered if I should talk about "It". I did and the exercise helped. I also found that Bliatz posted about it too, her entry was check it out.

I find you refreshing, I enjoy reading your enteries and I appreciate your R/L notations. Like SnN said, I enjoy coming here, I'm glad I've found you...I like who you you've a great sense of humor!!!

Bonnie said...


Thanks for being you.

Mark said...

Not gonna worry about "it". But isn't it interesting that some of us find ourselves in more control of our language when just talking, versus when we are telling stories?

I commend you that it happened that way naturally.

SpankedMinx said...

Bonnie...the same goes for you. I reckon we are "alright" us lot!

Hubby...thanx for the reminder. Love U x

Marcus....i reckon thats the right way to go! It is interesting I agree and thanks again x x x x