Sunday, May 07, 2006

Finally! Minx's first eva tag!

Past, etc

Thanks Cuddlybum for tagging me AND being so patient!

20 years ago, I
  1. Was in my third year of secondary school
  2. Was 13 goining on 16
  3. Was discovering make up, clothes, shoes & BIG HAIR

10 years ago, I

  1. Was living in my own flat
  2. Was drinking & smoking lots
  3. Was discovering the internet & spanking

5 years ago, I

  1. I started the job I'm in now
  2. Moved in with EH
  3. Made some new friends

3 years ago, I

  1. Got married
  2. Had a party for my 30th
  3. Fell out with a good friend

1 year ago, I

  1. Finished a course at college and scored a Merit
  2. Got promoted
  3. Had our garden landscaped.

So far this year, I

  1. Have changed my lifestyle & habits
  2. Realized EH & home are the most important things in my life
  3. Had a family member murdered.

Yesterday, I

  1. Relaxed all day
  2. Spoke to my friend in Ireland on Video Calling
  3. Watched episode 7 of the West Wing!

Today, I

  1. Have done some housey jobs
  2. Had a fight with EH
  3. Made up with EH

Tomorrow, I

  1. Will not get stressed at work
  2. Get my bills up to date
  3. Go for a walk after dinner

In the next year I

  1. Continue my healthy eating
  2. Learn to relax
  3. Start my Uni course.

In the next minute, I will tag ( I'm a bit behind on blogs & who has done this)

  1. Padme
  2. Angelbrat
  3. Marcus

No worries bout doin it ladies & gent!


Minx x x x x


CeeCi said...

Big hair...somehow, I'm not surprised!!! Congrats, on the healthy lifestyle choices and making up with EH the day you wrote your responses. Thank you for sharing, you tagged Marcus, I hope he has time to respond.


Anonymous said...

The written word is a slippery and difficult thing.
I assume that you're not following in the footsteps
of The Sopranos or the Sicilian Mafia when you write:

Had a family member murdered.

I am sorry for your loss. This must be a terrible
thing to live through.



SpankedMinx said...

Padme- I knew I'd get it wrong! Nevermind! I will catch up with yours soon !

Ceeci- It was huge for years...the photo's are fab!Have you been tagged? I tag u too! Are we allowed 4? :O)

Wintermute-You never think it will ever happen to you, but it did in January and yes it is still terrible. Most of my stories are a mixture of real life and fantasy & my posts are real. I try and keep it light hearted but seeing as happened I added it. Love your stories btw.

CeeCi said...

We're allowed anything we want! No, I haven't been tagged, but I guess I have been now :D I'll get to work on it later.

I had big hair, too!
