Sunday, June 04, 2006

Finish the sentence ............

Finish the sentence:

1. My ex is: long long long gawn.

2. I am listening to: my cats miaowing for breakfast & the birds outside.

3. Maybe I should: feed them!

4. I love: my husband, cats, best friends,wine,shopping,shoes,bags,sunglasses,holidays......

5. My best friend: there are a few, but the best one has been around since secondary school & she is the best mate ever

6. I don't understand: lots, mainly any kind of calculations, html, excel, anything technical but I'm obsessed with the latest tecjnology & can never use it.

7. I lose: keys, paperwork,my mind,shoes, important stuff

8. People say: when are you coming to visit, call me, where have you been?

9. The meaning of my screen name is: erm......well I get spanked, I''m a wife & a minx x

10. Love is: long term, when you are up you're up, when you are down you're down but there is nothing better.

11. Somewhere, someone is: sleeping, I get up a stupid o clock on the weekends & I'm sure no-one else does.

12. I will always: be a minx, a naughty one, love EH, love my cats.

13. Forever seems: like a very long time.

14. I never want to: hurt anyone.

15. My cell phone is: new & looks fabulous but I have no idea how it works.

16. When I wake in the morning: I have my only cup of normal english tea, the rest of the day is water & herbal teas. Oh and I feed the cats too.

17. I get annoyed when: people lie, drive stupidly ( in London this is most people)

18. Parties are: ok if they are spanking ones or garden ones with vanilla friends, anything other than that I'm too old for.

19. My dog is: no longer with me bless her.

20. Kisses are the worst when: there are bad teeth or breath involved.

21. Today I did: not a lot yet, just fed my babies.

22. Tonight I will: eat outside in our garden & have a glass of wine.

23. Tomorrow I will be: working YUK!

24. I really want: to be fit, healthy & happy and try for a baby minx soon.

I tag ( just because I can) SNN,Cuddly,Padme,Ceeci,Marcus, Janeen,Angelbrat & Bonnie. But only if u want to x


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Minxy, so now we know a bit more about you, great!!!:-)
You think that they drive badly in London,:( you should try driving in Cornwall.:( :( :(

CeeCi said...

What a fun list, thanks Minx (I think). I noticed you've tagged me, and as it looks like fun...I'll play along.

I think bad driving is a global phenomenon exacerbated by the introduction of cell phones!

Your list helped me get to know you a little better.


galros said...

Oh bugger, I was enjoying reading that til I saw my name in the tagged list at the bottom - I'll get my revenge......
