This is an over 18 blog about a married couple. Real life, fiction, notes & stories about domestic discipline, punishment & submission. Be good ya all and if u can't be good bend over!
Balancing Minx
She ran downstairs to kiss him goodbye, he put his hand under her chin and reminded her of her punishment due that evening. She hadn’t been punished in ages and her book was beginning to get quite full. She shivered as he told her to be ready for him on his return from work. In the meantime, for the rest of the day she had to pick out 5 key things from her punishment book and go without the bottom half of her clothing for the rest of the day.
She was wet just thinking about it. Although half of her dreaded a punishment discipline the other half yearned for her bottom to be dominated by him. She tried to get some housey jobs done, so as not to add any more to her book, but parading around half naked had her in a state of arousal for most of the morning.
Her mind kept wandering to her book, wondering which of her misdemeanours would earn her the worst red bottom. She finished her jobs, fetched her book and went and lay on the bed:
Ø Today I have misbehaved, I listened to next door having a row when EH specifically told me to come away.
Ø I have been disrespectful today as I removed my sex balls to masturbate without permission and did not confess to EH.
Ø I slammed doors today in the house during an argument and was disrespectful to EH and our home.
Ø I was just plain naughty today, swearing and not doing what I was told to do, despite requests from my Master.
Ø During my weekly maintenance spanking, rather than focussing on what I should be thinking about, I fantasised about sucking you off.
There she had picked her five. Trouble was, she loved being naughty and loved to be punished. Her hand wandered down to her already naked vagina and her other handed cupped her nipple, within seconds she had cum and started again so she could relieve some tension before her bare bottom got whipped later.
The time was drawing near to EH getting home. She ate, knowing she could be in a sorry state for a few hours later and went to get herself clean. Her instructions tonight were that she be in her corner in the living room, naked bottom half, with five implements and her five issues re-written out on a separate page for EH to see. She had picked out the horse whip, leather paddle, wooden paddle, the Governess cane and his slipper.
The key turned in the door, she was so wet and excited she could hardly contain herself. She loved being dominated and controlled by her sexy husband. He left her there a while and helped himself to a Jack Daniels. She had also put him a casserole in the oven hoping this may reduce the cane strokes which she hated.
He stood behind her and tapped each implement on her bottom. She shivered in excitement and her checked how wet she was. He pinched her nipples and reminded her this was a punishment spanking and there was no point getting wet as she would not be rewarded for bad behaviour. He moved her to the spot she had listened in on next door and slippered her bottom, making her thank him loudly enough for next door to hear.
As her rear end heated up, he moved onto the leather paddle, he was getting very tired of her not asking permission to pleasure herself, and he wanted total control over her pleasure, and he pummelled the paddle harder and harder, she earned herself another two days of wearing the balls as well.
She was placed across the arm of the sofa as he whipped her hard with the wooden paddle for the disrespect; he lectured and scolded her hard. They worked hard for a nice house and nice things and her foul mouth and temper were ruining it. She was beginning to feel sore and sorry and was begging EH to stop, he didn’t relent, and her bottom was turning a nice crimson red and she was beginning to listen for once.
He gave her a choice for the swearing, she could have her mouth washed out with soap and water and ten strokes with the Governess, or twenty with the Governess. She began to cry as she deliberated, he put her in the corner and made her balance her punishment book on her head whilst he sipped his JD.
She didn’t want any, stupid book on her head, stupid cane and stupid stupid soap. She had had that once and it was awful. She had felt so ashamed and asked EH for permission to speak, she chose the twenty strokes with the Governess. This was his harshest and nastiest cane, she wished with all her might she hadn’t picked it out.
He instructed her to walk over to the coffee table, with the book intact on her head. If she dropped it, that was an added stroke. She dropped it twice, through her tears and he instructed her to ask for her twenty two strokes on her bare bottom, for her naughtiness. He took the book off her head and stripped her naked and placed her in position on top of the coffee table.
She had to apologise for her bad ways and thank him after every stroke. The first few were bearable, then she began to buckle under each swipe, and gasp for air through the pain. Each contact from the evil cane was placing a red sore stripe across her backside, each once excruciating pain, she made it through and vowed never to have to fill in her punishment book again. He took her off the table and hugged her, whispered that she still had the other things in her book that had to be dealt with, and traced the cane lines across her bottom. She stopped crying and he placed her back on the table, in his full view, whilst he settled down to his dinner………
The End.